Contact Information

Flight Information (if applicable)

To add more than one flight, simply click the '+' sign:

Type of Disability Assistance needed

To add more than one request, simply click the '+' sign:


Please provide any additional information to assist us with your request,
i.e. include device make and model; dimensions and weight; battery type and wattage

Please upload all the relevant documentation with your request including all medical device specifications.
File To Upload:
Maximum size limit 5 MB
We are unable to accept Word documents. Please consider sending PDF files instead.

In order to process this Special Assistance Request, Aer Lingus requires you to provide us with your consent as follows:

  1. Aer Lingus processing my personal data in relation to this Special Assistant Request, including Contact Information, Flight Information, and details of my Disability Requirements.
  2. Aer Lingus supplying my personal data including Contact Information, Flight Information, and details of my Disability requirements to relevant third-party special assistance service providers.

I understand that processing of my personal data is necessary for the purposes of providing Special Assistance per this request.